How Do I Know If The Leadership Academy Is Right For Me...

The LeadHERShip Academy is for YOU if you've:

  • Built an amazing life on the outside, but still feel something is missing... 
  • ​KNOW you have more to offer, but need clarity on how to make it happen!
  • Crave the confidence to stand up and just GO FOR IT! 
  • ​You want to believe THIS IS FOR YOU and not just for others!
  • ​Feel there is a gap between the woman you are right now and the woman you WANT to be!  
  • ​Desire FAITH to be an active partner in your success

Make your vision come to fruition and up-level every aspect of your LIFE, BUSINESS, & FAITH!!



Maybe you spend your days scrambling to get everything done, keeping yourself "busy" only to end each day exhausted but never feeling truly satisfied or fulfilled. 

So you PROMISE yourself that you'll have more time later yet later never comes!

Maybe you've even been told things such as...

 "You should be happy with what you have."

 "It's too late now."

Or maybe even... "You weren’t smart enough... qualified enough... fill-in-the-blank, ENOUGH!"

And slowly but surely you started to believe them.



It’s time to step into and be the leader of your life. You were born on purpose and for a purpose! You're here to make an IMPACT! Your life is significant! 

When you join my LeadHERShip Academy, you’ll have the chance to redefine and re-imagine how the rest of YOUR life is going to be.

The modules and workbooks will help you find clarity.  I’ll personally guide you through all the inside secrets, habits and guiding principles that I’ve studied and used in my own life to create multiple 7 figure businesses. 

You will have access to coaching and support throughout this fun and exciting 6-module course! And you'll shift from where you are now in your life to a place of leadership, clarity, vision, love, prosperity, and inspiration!


When you join my LeadHERShip Academy, you’ll have the chance to redefine and re-imagine how the rest of YOUR life is going to be.
You’ll discover the right questions to ask to reconnect with your true self. The LIVE sessions and workbooks will help you find clarity. 

I’ll personally guide you through all the inside secrets, habits and guiding principles that I’ve studied and used in my own life and business.

You will have access to coaching mentoring and support throughout this fun and exciting 6-module course!

You’ll also join a community of amazing women just like you - women who are ready, willing and able to hold each other up and cheer each other on! 

You’ll shift from where you are now in your life to a place of leadership, clarity, vision, love and inspiration!


Over SIX POWERFUL MODULES, we'll use the Lead Out Loud method to dive into subjects such as:

Module 1

Get Clear! You must have clarity on the vision for your life, your WHY and the values that back that up. By the end of the first week you will have a mapped out and written plan!

Module 2

Feeling Stuck? We will uncover THE #1 thing holding YOU back from stepping fully into your purpose!

Module 3

Rewrite your rules for success! Learn to CHOOSE the rules for your life, relationships, and business. Life by intentional design to free up time and energy to stay in your zone of genius!

Module 4

Master your money mindset! Learn the confidence to bring in more cash flow. To be generous, you must generate!

Module 5

Lead out Loud! Becoming the leader that you were always meant to be!

Module 6

Relationship Equity! Relationships you have with yourself and the ability to build relationships with others will be the catalyst to growing your life, business and anything else you desire to lead. 

Module 1 

Get Clear! You must have clarity on the vision for your life, your WHY and the values that back that up. By the end of the first week you will have a mapped out and written plan!

Module 2 

Feeling Stuck? We will uncover THE #1 thing holding YOU back from stepping fully into your purpose!

Module 3 

Rewrite your rules for success! Learn to CHOOSE the rules for your life, relationships, and business. Life by intentional design to free up time and energy to stay in your zone of genius!

Module 4 

Master your money mindset! Learn the confidence to bring in more cash flow. To be generous, you must generate!

Module 5

Lead out Loud! Becoming the leader that you were always meant to be!

Module 6

Relationship Equity! Relationships you have with yourself and the ability to build relationships with others will be the catalyst to growing your life, business and anything else you desire to lead.  



​Access Private Group Zoom Calls Monthly. Here you'll get personalized coaching and support from Brooke. This link does not expire and will be available to you even after you finish the modules.


Goal Workbook! A Detailed Action Plan To Change Habits, Avoid Distractions and Crush Your Goals.


Digital Copies Of My Two Thankful 30 Cookbooks!


LIFETIME Access to The Live Out Loud Tribe Facebook™ Group! Where you can plug in for daily support, community, and encouragement. 


A weekly text from Brooke to inspire, encourage, and help hold you accountable as you rewrite your story and develop your game plan. 

Yes Sign Me Up Today For A One Time Payment of $997...

The defining moment when Brooke took us through the Money Mindset course. She looked at us and asked us are you living the life you want now? If not, when? I was not living my life to the fullest or even how I desired. My belief was that I needed a specific rank or certain success to be impactful and to live the life our family desired.
I was putting many things off like giving back, purchases, and events with my family. Also holding onto so many past events because in my head I was not qualified. Honestly missing precious moments because I had created this whole belief that was not true.

Going through this course I learned the only way we can live our life to the fullest is to find our true authentic voice, lead with love and integrity and start living out our dream right now. YOU are already qualified you just have to believe it.

To be truly grateful for what I have no, focus on the good because it gets BETTER, and get out of my own way, I am the only one standing in the way of the success I desire.

When you start stripping years of belief off and start taking action on the things you want NOW everything falls into place. It is much more fun to be aligned with what you do daily then to force things that were never supposed to be.
I was really stuck in my belief of myself and that I could really do this. After going through the first training and getting clearer on my Why and casting my vision it became clear that this mission was bigger than me and that I have a true calling to create impact.

Brooke shares such valuable trainings that have helped me to re-set limiting beliefs, walk through the FEAR that has been gripping me for way too long, re-writing that old story that now seemed so irrelevant after feeling such an immense shift. The biggest was my belief around money and having grown up with a Lack mindset....that was a big aha and now I have the tools to create massive abundance in my life and in the lives of so many others. Instead of hiding I am ready to shine my light, show up as my true self and Fly!

Just in the last 10 days I have enrolled 3 new people into my business. This is huge for me. Thank you Brooke for shining your light so brightly and sharing your gifts with the world.  
Brooke is truly one of a kind. She has an innate gift for seeing you, for who you were created to be. Her magnetism, energy, and dynamic nature empowers you to open doors, dive in, and build a life you always dreamed. It’s this magnetism that draws and expands her incredible heart centered community that women flock to. If you are ready to level up in business and life THIS is where you need to be. Get ready for massive growth!
From the very first session where you craft your vision and speak it out loud, it rattled something very deep inside of me. Not only could I not answer the questions, but I found I couldn't sleep for days. Finally a voice/thought bubbled up from inside of me that said, "if you enjoy it, it will disappear". 

Already working with my therapist about my divorce and career change, she was finally able to get at the main thing we had been circling for almost 2 years. In a nutshell, I had never acknowledged verbal abuse and neglect in my childhood which taught me that I was not worthy of success, money was bad, and no one wanted to hear what I had to say. It also reinforced my belief that I wasn't good enough and every good thing comes to an end.
This workshop series unearthed this major block that was truly keeping me from my own success. 

As a former excellent employee that worked extremely hard for other peoples gains, I needed to learn how to be an entrepreneur and work for MY success! The exercises and conversation allowed me to unwrap it all, give it a name, throw it away and start from the beginning, rewriting my own story that matches my goals and the current path I am on.

I realize now, that this process unearthed my past and kick started my future. I had no chance of my own true success until I rewrote the story and for this I am truly grateful!
Working with Brooke Thomas has been the most life changing choice I have made in my professional and personal life to date. She not only has taught me how to up level my business, but she has shown me how to up level my relationships, my finances, my life, and my faith. Brooke is faithful, joyful, and encouraging. She creates the most valuable experiences while forcing you too level up in ALL areas! 
Brooke Thomas is an outstanding leader! I love the way that she stands firm in her faith and who she authentically is. Her leadership academy confirmed that I am on the right track in my business. She gave me the confidence to stay true to who I am and what I believe to be true while being open to learning new strategies! I am honored to have the privilege of working with Brooke! Her positive vibes will light up any room! 
Brooke's Leadership Training does NOT disappoint!! It starts right out of the gates clearing blocks and limiting beliefs helping you to get MASSIVE CLARITY!!

Clarity = Confidence =Success. My favorite topic was money mindset and wealth consciousness!! As a high achiever it's super refreshing to receive wisdom from a higher perspective which Brooke is so gifted at giving!!  
Before I knew Brooke and went to an LOL event, I was stuck. In my business, I wasn't growing because I didn't think I am capable. In my personal life, I was struggling with the fact that I didn't think I deserved what I was blessed with. She taught me about limiting beliefs and how that simply was not true. I also grew in my faith big time, knowing how many women in business relied most on God, like I did!
The defining moment when Brooke took us through the Money Mindset course. She looked at us and asked us are you living the life you want now? If not, when? I was not living my life to the fullest or even how I desired. My belief was that I needed a specific rank or certain success to be impactful and to live the life our family desired.

I was putting many things off like giving back, purchases, and events with my family. Also holding onto so many past events because in my head I was not qualified. Honestly missing precious moments because I had created this whole belief that was not true.

Going through this course I learned the only way we can live our life to the fullest is to find our true authentic voice, lead with love and integrity and start living out our dream right now. YOU are already qualified you just have to believe it.

To be truly grateful for what I have no, focus on the good because it gets BETTER, and get out of my own way, I am the only one standing in the way of the success I desire.

When you start stripping years of belief off and start taking action on the things you want NOW everything falls into place. 

It is much more fun to be aligned with what you do daily then to force things that were never supposed to be.
I was really stuck in my belief of myself and that I could really do this. After going through the first training and getting clearer on my Why and casting my vision it became clear that this mission was bigger than me and that I have a true calling to create impact.

Brooke shares such valuable trainings that have helped me to re-set limiting beliefs, walk through the FEAR that has been gripping me for way too long, re-writing that old story that now seemed so irrelevant after feeling such an immense shift. The biggest was my belief around money and having grown up with a Lack mindset....that was a big aha and now I have the tools to create massive abundance in my life and in the lives of so many others. Instead of hiding I am ready to shine my light, show up as my true self and Fly!

Just in the last 10 days I have enrolled 3 new people into my business. This is huge for me. Thank you Brooke for shining your light so brightly and sharing your gifts with the world.  
Brooke is truly one of a kind. She has an innate gift for seeing you, for who you were created to be. Her magnetism, energy, and dynamic nature empowers you to open doors, dive in, and build a life you always dreamed. 

It’s this magnetism that draws and expands her incredible heart centered community that women flock to. If you are ready to level up in business and life THIS is where you need to be. Get ready for massive growth!
From the very first session where you craft your vision and speak it out loud, it rattled something very deep inside of me. Not only could I not answer the questions, but I found I couldn't sleep for days. Finally a voice/thought bubbled up from inside of me that said, "if you enjoy it, it will disappear". Already working with my therapist about my divorce and career change, she was finally able to get at the main thing we had been circling for almost 2 years. In a nutshell, 

I had never acknowledged verbal abuse and neglect in my childhood which taught me that I was not worthy of success, money was bad, and no one wanted to hear what I had to say. It also reinforced my belief that I wasn't good enough and every good thing comes to an end.

This workshop series unearthed this major block that was truly keeping me from my own success. As a former excellent employee that worked extremely hard for other peoples gains, I needed to learn how to be an entrepreneur and work for MY success! 

The exercises and conversation allowed me to unwrap it all, give it a name, throw it away and start from the beginning, rewriting my own story that matches my goals and the current path I am on.

I realize now, that this process unearthed my past and kick started my future. I had no chance of my own true success until I rewrote the story and for this I am truly grateful!
Working with Brooke Thomas has been the most life changing choice I have made in my professional and personal life to date. 

She not only has taught me how to up level my business, but she has shown me how to up level my relationships, my finances, my life, and my faith. 

Brooke is faithful, joyful, and encouraging. She creates the most valuable experiences while forcing you too level up in ALL areas! 
Brooke Thomas is an outstanding leader! I love the way that she stands firm in her faith and who she authentically is. Her leadership academy confirmed that I am on the right track in my business. 

She gave me the confidence to stay true to who I am and what I believe to be true while being open to learning new strategies! I am honored to have the privilege of working with Brooke! 

Her positive vibes will light up any room! 
Brooke's Leadership Training does NOT disappoint!! It starts right out of the gates clearing blocks and limiting beliefs helping you to get MASSIVE CLARITY!!   
Clarity = Confidence =Success. 

My favorite topic was money mindset and wealth consciousness!! 

As a high achiever it's super refreshing to receive wisdom from a higher perspective which Brooke is so gifted at giving!!  
Before I knew Brooke and went to an LOL event, I was stuck. In my business, I wasn't growing because I didn't think I am capable. In my personal life, 

I was struggling with the fact that I didn't think I deserved what I was blessed with. She taught me about limiting beliefs and how that simply was not true. 

I also grew in my faith big time, knowing how many women in business relied most on God, like I did!



  • 6 Module Course so you can connect to the leader within and start creating the life you've dreamed of. 
  • ​Personal login and lifetime access to the Kajabi portal, so you can revisit the content over and over.


  • ​Goal Workbook! A Detailed Action Plan To Change Habits, Avoid Distractions and Crush Your Goals.
  • ​Digital copies of both of Brooke's Thankful 30 Cookbooks.  
  • ​LIFETIME Access to The Live Out Loud Tribe Facebook™ Group! Where you can plug in for daily support, community, and encouragement. 
  • ​A weekly text from Brooke to inspire, encourage, and help hold you accountable as you rewrite your story and develop your game plan. 


00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


I created this life changing program because I turned my life around - from a people pleaser given a death sentence of stage 3 cancer and feelings of helplessness, to a top income earner doing the work I was put here to do!
Now I want to help other women create the best life they could ever imagine!
Together we'll discover who you really are and what's really in your heart. You'll learn how to build relationships starting with the most important one of all... The one with yourself!


Brooke’s journey to powerhouse entrepreneur began with her cancer diagnosis 16 years ago. When she was pregnant with her first baby girl, doctors told her she had stage 3 melanoma. A cancer diagnosis changes you. Brooke hated the way that it made her feel – sorry for herself, angry, bitter, and frustrated.
It was at that point she decided to make a change by taking control of her health & well-being and start taking action.

This journey saved her life. Today she is CANCER FREE and determined to LIVE her life OUT LOUD, helping others to do the same!


I created this life changing program because I turned my life around - from a people pleaser given a death sentence of stage 3 cancer and feelings of helplessness, to a top income earner doing the work I was put here to do!

Now I want to help other women create the best life they could ever imagine!

Together we'll discover who you really are and what's really in your heart. You'll learn how to build relationships starting with the most important one of all... The one with yourself!


Brooke’s journey to powerhouse entrepreneur began with her cancer diagnosis 16 years ago. When she was pregnant with her first baby girl, doctors told her she had stage 3 melanoma.

A cancer diagnosis changes you. Brooke hated the way that it made her feel – sorry for herself, angry, bitter, and frustrated.

It was at that point she decided to make a change by taking control of her health & well-being and start taking action.

This journey saved her life. Today she is CANCER FREE and determined to LIVE her life OUT LOUD, helping others to do the same!


Who is this for? 

This is for any business owner OR service based professional. Yes, that includes network marketers, affiliate marketers, online coaches, bloggers, agency owners, wellness professionals, anyone in corporate sales, etc. It is for anyone looking to attract and obtain paying clients using the internet and social media! This is also for product based businesses looking to grow their online customer base and brand. 

What happens after I select my payment and checkout?

As soon as you sign up for the LeadHerShip Academy you will get a welcome email that outlines how to access the Academy. You'll have your very own login to the platform where the course is hosted and inside you'll find all of your bonuses. Including a Zoom link to plug into our monthly group call. 

How much experience do I need? 

The LeadHERShip Academy is designed for any woman, whether she is new to business or an experienced entrepreneur. All are welcome.

Do you give refunds?

Due to the nature of the Academy and the proprietary and exclusive content provided, there are no refunds available. We reserve the right to refuse any refund request. 

Do you guarantee results?

If you do the work, commit yourself 100%, and follow the processes step-by-step, you will experience more success than you’ve ever before thought possible. But because I can’t guarantee that you’ll do the work, I can’t guarantee that you’ll get results. 

It’s your responsibility to go all in and take initiative for your own success. I can not guarantee specific results. 

I'm Ready To Create The Life I've Dreamed Of...